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Quick, I need a distraction!

My brain is just crazy!

(I don't know what this picture is of, but it looks like a crazy brain to me.)

Sometimes I just have to distract my mind or else I feel like I might lose it.

Today, I felt a weird pain in my abdomen that I have not felt before. It wasn't cramps, y'all. It was something weird. But because it was something different, I immediately thought to myself, "I should call my infertility doctor in case it has something to do with that."

I was secretly hoping the nurse at the doctor's office would tell me "We had better get you in right away!! You could be PREGNANT!"

That didn't happen.

After I described the pain to the lady on the phone, she politely told me that the pain was probably nothing and if it persisted for a few more days, I should call back. So we ended that conversation.

This is where my crazy brain kicked in. I was devastated that she would tell me this. I wanted my magical pregnancy. And this lady had the nerve to point out that magical pregnancy had not come around yet.

I sagged onto my bed and cried for a few minutes. But I really didn't want to be sad for a very long time. (Sometimes it is okay for me to be sad for a bit, but when it carries on too long it can ruin my whole day.)

So I thought to myself--Quick! Distraction! I need one now!

And I remembered that I wanted some ideas of how to decorate my kitchen, because my kitchen is as bland as unseasoned potatoes (there is a kitchen simile for you). So I whipped out my phone and started looking through Pinterest Kitchen ideas.

It worked! I found a few ideas I liked.

For example I might have to buy this sign I found on Pinterest. We shall see. (You can click on it if you want to find where to buy it. I figured out how to link.)

And now--

I am done Pinteresting, but my crazy brain is no longer unreasonably sad that my random symptom does not signify pregnancy.

Sometimes the path to getting rid of unreasonable sadness just has to be a distraction.

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