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My Tear-Free Week

On Sunday of last week, I came to a realization. I realized that if I lie to myself and tell myself that something doesn't bother me, then it is easier not to burst into tears.

I hate crying in public. And yet it seems to happen to me way too often at church, where people seem to be unintentionally hurtful all the time. (Don't worry, I usually do a pretty good job at hiding the fact that I'm crying.)

So I decided to pretend to myself that I am really thick skinned and what people say and do just doesn't hurt me anymore. Strangely enough . . . it worked! I was able to keep from crying. Then I applied that to the rest of my difficulties this week, and I haven't cried all week!!

It is like a miracle cure to this embarrassing trait I have. I hope I can keep it up. People are always saying that crying gives us a release that we need, but I feel like my body thinks that release is going to solve every little problem. And it just doesn't. All that ends up happening is I get sadder and sadder from all the crying (I'm not entirely sure whether sadder is a official word). I think that crying can be helpful, but not in excess. At least not for me. I have had a much better week this week anyway, and I am happy for it. I feel a little more free.

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